I put myself on diet for last two weeks and now it started to show. Wahhhhh…sukanya aku. I can see that I’m starting to lose weight. I do push up around 600 times a day, do a military press 30 times for 2 sets. I took my breakfast like a king, I take fruit for my lunch, and less food for dinner. I can say that I’m starting to see the result and so happy with it. First week is the most challenging one. They pain cause by the exercise, it really painful. I really want this one badly, I starting to fed up with the way my physique look right now. Not that I’m too fat, it just that I miss the old days where I feel light, in good shape. I have reduced myself on taking carbonated drinks. I never feel so energetic like this before and it feels good. I guess what I have been reading lately really motivated me. Remember Marky Mark,

I really adore his body. I guess men should look like Marky Mark. Maybe one day…
Nothing much happen that really can be a topic lately. A bit slow in all the work, as I guess it entering the first quarter of the year, most of the earlier project has been settle, new project or request is not that rapid anymore, so have a bit of free time for myself and blog update. Except that a few new staff is coming, and another one will be leaving this end of the month, she secures a job a welfare department. The office is more occupied now, less empty space. Hope I can get along with new staff and get connected.
It has been almost 10 months I have been here, and I’m started to blend in well with the rest of the people. Still miss the old place, but I have to move on. There is no turning back now. All the best for me…adiossssss
cik abang ooi.... kacak na header ya !!!
tapi kena bur** ya nampak gilaks ... he he he
Hahahahaha..saja jak ya..k cuci mata ya
Kacak header baru, but too sexylah....
lol. tutup mata miak kecik diat blog kitak tok. anyway, goodluck.
terpaksalah i ngejas agik tok
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